Cosmology is a department of technological know-how that offers with the have a look at of the origin,
evolution of the universe. Physical cosmology is defined as medical and scholarly have a look at of the origin, evolution, structures, and dynamics and also the scientific laws. Cosmologists study black holes formed in the universe, the equivalence precept and GZK cut off for high strength cosmic rays. Innovations are new idea, tool, or process. Innovations are the utility of better answers that meet new requirements, inarticulate desires, or present marketplace desires. It is proficient via more effective products, processes, services, technologies, or new ideas which might be readily to be had to markets, governments and society. Innovations are something authentic and novel, as a significant, new that breaks into the market or society. Cosmology is that the examiner of the origin, evolution, and last destiny of the universe.
High Impact List of Articles
Thermal Properties of Abelmoschus Esculentus
Golamari Siva Reddy, P. Sunitha, M. S. R. Krishna and Mallu Maheswara Reddy Original Article: International Journal of Chemical Sciences
Thermal Properties of Abelmoschus Esculentus
Golamari Siva Reddy, P. Sunitha, M. S. R. Krishna and Mallu Maheswara Reddy Original Article: International Journal of Chemical Sciences
Synthesis and Biological Activity of some Noval Dithiocarbamate Substituted Benzimidazolo-Quinolines
Priya M. Madalageri and O. Kotresh Review: International Journal of Chemical Sciences
Synthesis and Biological Activity of some Noval Dithiocarbamate Substituted Benzimidazolo-Quinolines
Priya M. Madalageri and O. Kotresh Review: International Journal of Chemical Sciences
Capacity augmentation by structured packing revamp in stabilizer unit
Mohammad Mehdi Zarei, Mortaza Zivdar Original Article: Chemical Technology: An Indian Journal
Capacity augmentation by structured packing revamp in stabilizer unit
Mohammad Mehdi Zarei, Mortaza Zivdar Original Article: Chemical Technology: An Indian Journal
Estimation of Standard Heat Capacity of Alkanes in Gaseous State by Calculating Size, Structural and Electronic Parameters of the Molecules
P. S. Verma, B. L. Gorsi and Lovel P. Singh Original Article: International Journal of Chemical Sciences
Estimation of Standard Heat Capacity of Alkanes in Gaseous State by Calculating Size, Structural and Electronic Parameters of the Molecules
P. S. Verma, B. L. Gorsi and Lovel P. Singh Original Article: International Journal of Chemical Sciences
QSAR and QSTR studies for 4Â,5- disubstituted 3-biphenylylacetic acid derivatives
Santosh Vilaschand Gandhi, Kailash Gyanchand Bothara : Organic Chemistry: An Indian Journal
QSAR and QSTR studies for 4Â,5- disubstituted 3-biphenylylacetic acid derivatives
Santosh Vilaschand Gandhi, Kailash Gyanchand Bothara : Organic Chemistry: An Indian Journal
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