Analytical Chemistry At Liquid-Liquid Interfaces Top Open Access Journals
On the off chance that two homogeneous mass stages meet there is a locale of limited thickness where the properties changed that area is called interface. At an atomic level the thickness of the interfacial area isn't zero, and it is huge. The properties of interfacial locale can be significant for colloid frameworks, particularly for scatterings, where the surface to volume proportion isn't unimportant.
Electrochemistry at fluid –liquid interface is worried about three principle sorts of charge-move responses, specifically (a) particle move (IT) responses starting with one stage then onto the next; (b) IT responses helped by the nearness of a complexing specialist; and (c) Electron transfer(ET) response among hydrophillic and hydrophobic redox couple. A diary is a periodical distribution proposed to additionally advance of science, as a rule by announcing new exploration.
High Impact List of Articles
Corrosion characterization of a synthesized novel 1,5-dimethyl-4-((2-methylbenzylidene) amino)-2-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-3(2H)-one (DMPO) derivative on aluminiumalloy in hydrochloric acid solution
R.D.Pruthviraj Original Article: Composite Materials: An International Journal
Corrosion characterization of a synthesized novel 1,5-dimethyl-4-((2-methylbenzylidene) amino)-2-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-3(2H)-one (DMPO) derivative on aluminiumalloy in hydrochloric acid solution
R.D.Pruthviraj Original Article: Composite Materials: An International Journal
Antibacterial and release properties ofAg nanoparticles on dopamine coated carbon nanotubes
Chen Zhuang, Xiangping Hao,Wenchao Liu, Shougang Chen Original Article: Composite Materials: An International Journal
Antibacterial and release properties ofAg nanoparticles on dopamine coated carbon nanotubes
Chen Zhuang, Xiangping Hao,Wenchao Liu, Shougang Chen Original Article: Composite Materials: An International Journal
Studies on the rheological properties of cashew nut shell powder (anacardiumaccidentale) and carbon black on natural rubber
P.A.P.Mamza, I.A.Okele, P.O.Nkeonye Original Article: Composite Materials: An International Journal
Studies on the rheological properties of cashew nut shell powder (anacardiumaccidentale) and carbon black on natural rubber
P.A.P.Mamza, I.A.Okele, P.O.Nkeonye Original Article: Composite Materials: An International Journal
On the stability of dufour- driven generalized double-diffusive shear flows
Hari Mohan, Pardeep Kumar, Sada Ram Original Article: Composite Materials: An International Journal
On the stability of dufour- driven generalized double-diffusive shear flows
Hari Mohan, Pardeep Kumar, Sada Ram Original Article: Composite Materials: An International Journal
Thermo-optical and electro-optical response of binary mixture of liquid crystalline materials
T.N.Govindaiah Original Article: Composite Materials: An International Journal
Thermo-optical and electro-optical response of binary mixture of liquid crystalline materials
T.N.Govindaiah Original Article: Composite Materials: An International Journal
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