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, Volume: 10( 7) DOI: 10.37532/2320-6756.2022.10(7).280

Theory of The Way Universe Exists

Yang Yu Xin
School of Information Dehong Teachers' College, Yunnan, China

Received date: June 30, 2022, Manuscript No. tspa-22-68140; Editor assigned: July 1, 2022, PreQC No. tspa-22-68140(PQ); Reviewed: July 19, 2022, QC No. tspa-22-68140(Q); Revised: July 20, 2022, Manuscript No. tspa-22-68140(R); Published date: July 29, 2022, DOI: 10.37532/2320-6756.2022.10(7).280

Citation: Yang Yu Xin. Theory of The Way Universe Exists, J Phys Astron.2022;10(7):280.


All the Matter systems from the micro world to the macro world exist in a series of superimposed rotational motions, the universe must be a hierarchical structure, all the layered structure of matter exists in the connecting sleeve (cover) motion of matter, the whole space and time of the universe are the result of this movement, Without connecting sleeve (cover) movement of matter; there will be no time and space. And Reciprocating forever, the universe exists in this form, this is an objective fact. The relationship between them is essentially the relation of superposition motion of matter. All matter Systems are moving in a curve or rotate motion, matter, motion, space, time and photons exist in the form of a series of connecting sleeve (cover) motion of substances. This is the fundamental way to unify all matter in the universe and its movement and space, time, power and energy, V C final synthesis speed  , 2 E mc  , gravitation is the result of connecting sleeve (cover) movement and Velocity superposition of matter, Particles with very small mass will partially or completely separate from the motion of the superposition of the speed of matter and near belongs to or completely belongs to state of the universe as a whole. This is actually the trace of the matter Connecting sleeve (cover) motion, these trajectories show important information, it is these tiny particles that enable us to see the visible things of the universe.


Universe; Existence; Curvilinear; Rotation; Motion; Unite; Include; Movement; Matter; Time; Space; Velocity; Superposition; Synthesis Speed C; Photon.


How much do humans know about the way the universe exists, mankind must know as soon as possible how the universe exists in the macro direction, to make humans know some of the deep secrets of the universe, now our research results in the macro direction make many people feel infinitely confused, we can't always walk down the same road to the dark. This article tells you a correct and true way of existence of the universe, how do all physical systems move together and form the whole universe, what is the motion relationship between the various matter systems and the universe as a whole. In fact, it is an indisputable fact that the structure of the universe must be hierarchical, all matter systems are moving in a curve or rotate motion, universe exist in the way of connecting sleeve (cover) superposition movement, that is matter, movement, space, time and energy is in the way of connecting sleeve (cover) superposition movement. The essence of the speed of light, gravity, E = mc2 , The formation of waves is closely related to the connecting sleeve(cover) superposition movement. And form the final speed of movement of Vfinal synthesis speed =C. The direction of the centripetal force at all levels of the physical world is directed at the Matter center-weight of its layer, Finally,it points to all the particles. Acting on all substances. Under gravity, the evolution of the universe is carried out in the individual parts. The existence of any level of matter in the universe is in the form of connecting sleeve(cover) movement.

The stratification structure of universe

The condition for the existence of the infinite universe is that it can only exist in the form of hierarchy. The structure of the universe is a layered structure, In the infinite enormous of universe FIG.1. Human use equipment can see is not worth mentioning. Overall universe is layered structure, I use following diagram made a general representation, I use three or three eindividual represent more than one or multitudinous So the structure of universe can be expressed as below about [1-2], It's just a different level of their relationship sketch,Their relationship is: … ⊂ atomic level ⊂ Planet level ⊆ river systems and galaxies level ⊂ β level ⊂ ρ level ⊂ Ω level ⊂ ¤ level… ⊂ whole universe level Matter world Range map one of them is mean: ⊂ deputy contained in or belonging to a relationship, ⊆ This one equal sign said super stars or black hole. The distance between stars , The distance between the galaxies , The distance between the β systems , The distance between the ρ systems (Terrible distance), The distance between the Ω systems (Can't imagine distance), The distance between the ¤ systems (Can't imagine distance)…,The relationship between them is

The range map of the matter world level [2]

Expressing estimators of a average distance >> Expressing far greater than β systems is now found to be approximately Hundreds of billions of galaxies. The Milky way is just an ordinary galaxies. They estimated in the hundreds of billions of galaxies in the total number of more than. But this is not the whole universe, Only small part of the universe not worth mentioning.Today the key we human beings is to determine the galaxy approximate location in the β systems, The β system is only a small part of the universe, We human beings in the β world see other β systems , The Substance ρ level is more huge, It huge to the extent that human beings can hardly imagine it. But the ρ world is only a tiny part of the universe Including the world of Ω and the world of ¤ is only a small part of the universe FIG.2.


Figure 1: Matter Hierarchy Map in the Universe [2-3].


Figure 2: Examples of velocity relative to the earth's universe at all levels.

The matter in the world of Universe is in a connecting sleeve(cover) movement and Velocity superposition of the world, So different substances in the world time is different, It is this matter of the universe to change development.

The structure of the Universe is a hierarchy structure, The universe is infinite. Human use equipment can see is not worth mentioning.

Final synthesis speed of physical systems at all levels of the universe is C

All systems are moving in a curve,or rotate motion.

Suppose that the Earth Planet level is a reference system Earth=0 (Select Earth Planet as the Reference System):There is

Suppose that the above level is a reference system: There is the motion of speed i level is

Suppose that the above level is a reference system: There is the motion of speed ρ level is

The motion of speed ρ level is

Suppose that the ρ level is a reference system: There is the motion of speed β level is

Suppose that the β level is a reference system: There is the motion of speed galaxies level is

Suppose that the galaxies level is a reference system: There is the motion of speed Planet level is .

The time of each system is different. And there's the following relationship [3]:

Seeking truth from facts: When taking the Earth planet as a frame of reference, Then the photon is moving at the limit speed "C". (This is due to the results of different high speed motions at ti time). That's why photons exist and the speed of light is constant. Photons exist forever in this way (of course, relative to the existence of the Earth) [4]. In essence, In essence, it is the composite velocity C formed by the superimposed movement of all levels of the universe FIG.3.


Figure 3: Multi layer Matter motion direction relation diagram.

The diagram the relationship of the universe configuration

I use three or three individual represent more than one or multitudinous, there I use three represent multitudinous, the dots represent the atomic world (level) FIG. 4-7.


Figure 4: Planet World level Many atoms made up Planet World(level).


Figure 5: Planet World and galaxies compose Similar river system(level).


Figure 6: β World level many of could river systems and galaxies compose β world (level).


Figure 7: ρ World level many of β world (level) compose ρ world (level).

The direction of the superimposed motion and velocity of the matter connecting sleeve is quite different from that of a single object

Take our planet as a frame of reference.

Overall mass, time and speed of the universe according to the conclusion of layered structure and its connecting sleeve(cover) movement, there are: The mass of the universe is infinite, Time is zero, the limit velocity of the universe is C [5]. Infinite space is thus formed

Photons are in the state of the universe as a whole. That is, the direction of the whole universe is the direction of the whole space. Seeking truth from facts: When taking the Earth planet as a frame of reference, Then the photon is moving at the limit speed "C". (This is due to the results of different high speed motions at ti time). In essence, it is the synthetic velocity C of the superposition’s velocities of motion of the various layers of the universe. Relative to the Earth, Because the mass and velocity of macroscopic Matter system increase remarkably, compared with the earth, the mass and velocity of the macroscopic Matter system increase significantly, shortening time in macro direction (galaxies, β, ρ, Ω…) [6,7]. The time is shortened and the direction of motion tends to the “convergence”. Directional convergence is based on the Earth as a reference frame. Point to the whole space.

The root cause of photon and wave formation

Relative to the Planet world. The speed of the universe as a whole is C. Take the Earth as the Reference Frame. When an electron transits to a lower energy level in an atomic structure, an atom emits a photon. When a large number of electrons transit to a low energy level at the same time, a large number of photons will be emitted FIG.8.


Figure 8: Electron migration releases photons.

The essence of this transformation process is that matter with mass m|v=0= 0 (static state) returns to the whole state of the universe in a very short time from the static state (the process of transforming into photons), Its running speed is C.

The essence of this process is that matter is completely separated from the motion state of the star system and attributed to the state of the whole universe. A photon is a substance completely separated from the inertia of the superposition of the velocity of universe matter, its state has been attributed to the state of the universe as a whole. That's why the connecting sleeve movement of matter keeps the speed of photons constant and high [8].

Relative to the stellar world, the time is 0.

Photons are minimum substances that are completely separated from inertia the superimposed motion. Return to the whole state of the universe (there is a "state of the universe exist"). Photons are out of inertia the superimposed motion of the universe. This makes photons necessarily exist in the form of the whole state of the universe, that is the substance that exists at a constant velocity C, and photons have mass FIG.9. Then photons will be affected by the superposition motion of matter and show fluctuation. In fact, all individual substances are affected by the superimposed motion of matter and show the characteristics of fluctuation, if the mass of matter is large, its inertia is large, then its fluctuation is small. Obviously, photons exist forever in the range of the cyclic motion of the superposition of matter. That is to say photons will never run out of the range of connecting sleeve (cover) movement of matter, of course this is relative to the star world or the Earth. The photon is our human studies the universe of a golden key [9].


Figure 9: Schematic diagram of photon motion.

This is not a unified theory, but the way the universe exists. That is, matter, motion, space, time, and energy are unified. This is the fundamental reason why the speed of light does not change, matter cannot exceed the speed of light, the formation of electromagnetic waves FIG.10.


Figure 10: Formation of the Electronic waveform.

Electromagnetic wave is the normal manifestation of Connecting sleeve (cover) motion of matter in microscopic matter system. Electromagnetic waves exist in the space and time of Connecting sleeve (cover) motion of matter, the waveform of electromagnetic wave fully shows the characteristics of superposition motion of universe matter. This is the fundamental reason for the supergiant effect. It is also the root cause of electronic entanglement [10].

The cause of gravitation formation and centrifugal force

The formation of universal cohesion force is related to connecting sleeve (cover) superposition movement (… ⊂ atomic level ⊂ Planet level ⊆ galaxies level ⊂ β level ⊂ ρ level ⊂ …). That is all systems are moving in a curve, or rotate motion. So there is the resultant force of centripetal force:

The direction of each layer Point to its weight (center). The sum of the directing forces (pointing to all particles) in the I layer is: the resultant force of centripetal force:

The direction of the centripetal force at all levels of the physical world (i level ) is directed at the matter center of weight its layer.

Finally, it points to all the matters (particles) center of weight. Acting on all substances center of weight. This cohesion force is gravitation, under gravitation, the evolution of the universe is carried out in the individual parts. The direction of the centripetal force at all levels of the physical world is directed at the matter center of weight of its layer. The power of matter movement originates from the physical world itself and the movement form of its hierarchical structure. It can be seen from the formula, Comparisons of the cohesion of matter at different levels of the universe are as follows, planet-level matter receives the greatest cohesive force, the cohesive force at the Galaxy level is next, the cohesive force of the β layer is less than that of galaxies, the cohesive force of ρ-Level is less than that of β-level so on. Formula is:

Of course, this is related to the matter mass and distance of substances at all levels. The universe is stable on the largest scale, reasons for stability, it is because the matter is bound by the great inertia of the superimposed motion (the vast range of human hard to imagine). This inertia has tremendous power of stability. , Under the action of centripetal force and centrifugal force, keep the whole space exists, maintaining the balance and stability of the large scale of the universe at all include. Played a key role [11].

Motion of tiny matter

Suppose that earth as a frame of reference , FIG.11


Figure 11: Trajectory diagram of particle motion.

• Like photons, neutrinos, gamma rays so on, these tiny matters can be separated from the large scale of universe matter connecting sleeve (cover) movement and velocity superposition because the quality of these substances is very light particles, So that they can partial break away from the inertia movement of connecting sleeve(cover) and velocity superposition, and close to whole state of the universe.

• The static mass of photons is almost zero, the mass at motionless is 0, therefore photons are rarely affected by the inertial system of matter connecting sleeve (cover) motion, its speed is the limit velocity of the universe, this is the trajectory shown by the extreme speed of the universe.

• The trajectory is straight line, the radius corresponding to a straight line trajectory is infinite it is proved that the radius of the universe is infinite that is the universe is a boundless whole.

• Because of the universe’s movement of the connecting sleeve (cover) and velocity superposition showing the tiny matter’s properties of quantum, wave or string.

• Neutrinos, γ particle, β particle, and other particles are in their lifetime, its speed is near the speed of light, the bending rate of their trajectories is very low, trajectories approximate lines, the quality of α particle is slightly larger. Therefore, its motion trajectory is slightly curved in a wide range.


Any individual matter is closely related to the entire universe. All matter in the universe is in motion. The matter systems at all levels in the universe are in curved or rotating motion. The structure of the universe is layered. The layered structure of the universe is based on The form of motion exists. The space and time of the entire universe are the result of this motion. The individual is relative, the universe is unique, the universe is unified, Individuals are relative. The universe as a whole, relative to its constituent individuals, has no beginning and no end. Matter, motion, space,time, and photons exist in the form of connecting sleeve(cover) motion and velocity superimposition of matter. The speed of light is constant, and its final composite speed is c, E = mc2 . The formation of gravity is closely related to the superimposition of the motion of the connecting sleeve and the speed of matter. The evolution of the system at each level is carried out in a separate section. Particles with extremely small masses will partly or near completely depart from the motion inertia of the original matter system and partly or near completely belong to the overall state of the entire universe. This makes these particles show some peculiar trajectories. The tiny particles can be partly or completely separated from the unity of inertia and velocity superposition of the matter, partly due to or completely belonging to the overall state of the universe.

Neutrinos, γ particle, β particle, photons so on, the trajectories of these particles are actually the result of the joint and superimposed motion of matter. These trajectories show important information. It is tiny particles like photons that enable people to see everything in the universe. The reason why the trajectory of these particles of matter is formed is also the result of the superimposed movement of the cosmic Matter systems in the entire universe's matter contiguous velocity, and makes it possible for the existence of ultra-distance interaction between the Matters. The universe is unique, and the universe is unified. The individual is inseparable from the whole, the individual is relative, and the evolution of the individual is endless. 3K and about 20% of helium are the result of the endless evolution of the individual in the universe. The universe is unique, and the universe is unified. The universe as a whole has no beginning or end. Changes in each layer evolve and evolve in individual parts. A black hole is a local phenomenon of matter in the universe. The cohesion of matter is very strong and the density of internal matter is very high. This cohesion can cause a large rotational force. But this power is caused by the connecting sleeve (cover) superimposed movement of the systems at all levels of the universe. Without this kind of connecting sleeve (cover) motion, the black hole has no power source, so the phagocytic ability of the black hole is limited. Black holes are one of the reasons for the evolution of galaxies. The evolution of the universe is carried out in various parts. These properties also prove that the hierarchical structure of the universe and its connecting sleeve motion are correct.
