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Short commentary

, Volume: 11( 7) DOI: 10.37532/2320-6756.2023.11(7).364

Oracular computations

Boghos L. Arthinian
Independent Researcher, Lebanon

Received date: 16-June-2023, Manuscript No. tspa-23-102864; Editor assigned: 18-June-2023, Pre-QC No. tspa-23-102864 (PQ); Reviewed: 02-July-2023, QC No. tspa-23-102864 (Q); Revised: 05-July-2023, Manuscript No. tspa-23-102864 (R); Published: 08-July -2023, DOI. 10.37532/2320-6756.2023.11(7).364

Citation: Arthinian B.L. Oracular Computations. J. Phys. Astron.2023;11(7):364.


A few decades ago nobody could have seen let alone foretold the path and the fate of, a comet similar to Shoe-maker- Levy 9 as it approached the planet Jupiter. Today we can tell, with confidence and several months in advance, that at a certain hour on a certain day of a certain month, a comet will crash on a certain planet, and we are able to accurately predict several possible scenarios for the event.

Such precise forecasting of an astronomical event months before it happened would have been considered a divine feat in the past. Imagine that you had told people living in the first century AD that on July 16 of the year 94 the planet Jupiter would shine spectacularly for a few hours or days. The prophecy fulfilled, you would immediately have been elevated to the status of a prophet Certainly, no human being alone is, or will ever be, capable of accomplishing similar feats. Such predictions are the results of the accumulated efforts of thousands or millions of individuals; the educational institutions, the industries manufacturing the telescopes and the computers, and the millions of people paying taxes to support research are all part of a social (multi-human) effort, and the outcome is a social accomplishment and not that of a single mind. And in certain contexts such accomplishments may be perceived as divine.

So much for probing the phenomenon of prophecy at the social-human interface. Let's see its parallel at the human-cellular interface. Take yourself for instance. Your brain can accomplish feats that may be considered divine for your cells. Imagine that there is a great famine in the world of your cells (your body); Trillions of cells are starving and they cannot bear it any longer. They are praying hard and are awaiting a miracle. Now if one cell in you manages somehow to get the information that you are on a wellplanned hunger strike that will end in ten days’ time, when you will resume eating, he can with confidence proclaim thus to the other cells: 'Rejoice brethren!! Deliverance is at hand. In ten diurnal cycles the famine will happily come to an end and I promise you there will be abundant food for all!

Undoubtedly this cell is behaving as a prophet who got his information from a higher level of organization (your brain) which, to cells, would be their 'god'. His prophecy would undoubtedly be fulfilled in this case.

Another such prophesying feat that could be witnessed by cells would be the following: a spiritual leader among the cells preaches continually that their world would soon come to an end in a big catastrophe. 'But I promise you brethren that God will be here to save the believers from among us and take them to a new world where they will live happily for thousands of years! The source and feasibility of such a prophecy, preached by a spiritual leader to cells, can be explained in the following manner: one cell. (a prophet), in a human prisoner condemned to death, has somehow got the information that he will soon he executed, but that fortunately he has donated some of his organs for transplantation after his execution. This cell could thus, with confidence foretell the destruction of their world (the prisoner) and the fate of some fortunate cells (in the transplanted organs) lie considers to be the true believers.

I believe that throughout the past ages human prophets, by some unknown mechanism classified as divine, were able to receive information from extraterrestrial higher levels of organization (multi-humanoid super-organisms), or even from our rather primitive, terrestrial superorganism (society), and had displayed it to the people as prophecies. Thus it is not surprising that many of their prophecies were actually fulfilled. As for prophecies concerning the end of our world and the return of the Messiah, I would not totally dismiss as mere guesses. Superorganisms could have given this information to the prophets of the past through oracles or visions. Hence these prophecies may well be based on the precise calculations of cosmic events of which we are ignorant, or on calculations involving the outcome of the unchecked growth of the human population on earth with the subsequent catastrophic environmental changes.