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, Volume: 10( 2) DOI: 10.37532/2320-6756.2022.10(2).260

Comments on the Article "The Physics of Gravity-Hypothesis"

I.V. Kuzminov
Royal Geographical Society, Kensington Gore, London, UK

Received: January 17, 2022, Manuscript No. M- 51768; Editor assigned: January 19, 2022, PreQC No. P-51768; Reviewed: Febrauary 8, 2022, QC No. 51768; Revised: February 19, 2022, Manuscript No. R-51768; Published date: February 28, 2022, DOI: 10.37532/2320–6756.2022.10(2).260

Citation: I.V. Kuzminov, Comments on the article “The physics of gravity. Hypothesis”, J Phys Astron.2022;10(2):260.


The article under consideration develops a new alternative version (hypothesis) of gravics (physics of gravity). The version is based on the concepts of classical physics, which does not deny the existing estimated base. The hypothesis denies the existence of gravitational forces as such by nature, especially the concept of a gravitational field and gravitational waves. Those forces that are commonly identified as gravitational are inherently similar in nature to inertial forces. The inertia force is the force of reaction to the external influence which is aimed at disturbing (unbalancing) an object. The force of gravity is the force of the Universe expansion force reaction. The nature of these reactions is related to the cumulative reaction of gyroscopic electron rotation forces, in the connection of the macro and microcosm.


Physics of gravity; Gyroscopic forces of electron rotation; Temperature dependence


The present article develops the direction described in articles [1] and [2].

These articles are conceptually connected. They point out the inverse temperature dependence of the gravity force, namely, the fact that an increase in the temperature of the object reduces the gravity force, and vice versa.

The negation of gravitational forces as such does not exclude the use of the term "gravitational forces" in the text of the article, since in this case it refers to a natural phenomenon in the generally accepted sense. This article attempts to explain the apparent contradiction in the articles, namely, the inverse temperature dependence of gravity forces. The inverse temperature relationship seemed to contradict the claim that gravitational forces are the reaction forces of gyroscopic forces to the expansion of the universe. With an increase in temperature, the dynamics of electron rotation increases, respectively, the gravitational force should increase, i.e. there must be some direct temperature dependence.

As a start, at the present stage, it is definitely necessary to establish the very fact of the temperature dependence of gravity forces. This fact is easily established empirically by measuring a body weight at different temperatures. It is possible to reliably establish the temperature dependence of gravity when the body temperature changes on the Earth. The influence of the Earth temperature on gravitational forces is a phenomenon of a completely different order and requires separate consideration and calculations, particularly due to the fact that it is related to the temperature of the Sun. According to the proposed hypothesis, all things in existence have the origin and are initially bound by gravitational forces.

Main Part

Thus, it is necessary to explain the contradiction of the inverse temperature dependence of gravitational forces. It seemed that an increase in a body temperature, accordingly, an increase in the dynamics of electron rotation, an accordingly, an increase in gyroscopic forces should lead to an increase in gravity forces. However, in reality, the picture is completely different. The solution is most likely to be found in the structure of atoms and molecules. The rotation of an electron can be represented as a moving part of an atom, whereas the atom itself and the lattice of atoms can be represented as a fixed rigid part of the structure. Force gyroscopic effects are transmitted through this rigid part. The internal forces, the forces of intraatomic and interatomic bonds are much more significant than the gyroscopic forces of rotation of electrons. With an increase in body temperature, the forces of intra-atomic and interatomic bonds decrease, and vice versa. Accordingly, when heated, the lattice of atomic and interatomic bonds becomes weaker, less rigid, and the reaction forces are distributed in the direction of deformation of the lattice, rather than on the transmission of the effect as a whole on the lattice as a structure (body).

The deformation of the lattice absorbs the external impact reaction with an increase in body temperature. Based on the proposed logic of dependencies, it is possible to construct a general graph of dependencies on temperature T connecting extreme points, see FIG.1. As initial data while constructing the graph, the forces of the Universe expansion effect in a period of time are assumed to be constant. The gyroscopic rotational forces of (f) electrons are assumed to be in direct linear dependence on temperature. The proportion of gyroscopic forces reaction absorption from temperature is assumed to range from 0 to 100% according to some nonlinear function. The proposed graph clearly demonstrates the inverse temperature dependence mechanism of gravity forces. For greater clarity, it is possible to present the dependence in time spans from left to right. Such a graph is provided in the article "How the Universe works. Thermodynamics. Hypothesis" [2], namely, from the beginning of the universe to its end. Based on the presented graph of the inverse temperature gravity dependence, it can be assumed that a black hole is highly likely to represent the first phase of the gravitational collapse process, a connecting link forming a cycle, a closed process of the universe at different levels.


Figure 1: The Schedule of dependence of forces of gravitation from temperature.

Generally accepted ideas about gravity consider the mass of a body to be a source of gravity force, respectively, a gravitational field is created around this source. Such understanding of gravity nature is supported by the basis of estimate of this phenomenon. The basis of estimate was initially built empirically. In other words, first the basis of estimate was built, and then the allegedly theoretical basis - the concept of the gravitational field was adjusted to this basis. The proposed hypothesis is designed to destroy such a theoretical basis, with simultaneous preserving the basis of estimate. The modern basis of estimate is obviously valid for the given historical period with relative stability over time.

The Dynamic Component of Gravity Forces

It is evident that gravity forces consist of two components: dynamic and thermal. In other words, gravitational forces depend on the dynamics of the environment expansion-compression and the environment temperature (the thermal effect). The main component of gravity forces is dynamic (the thermal component is described above). In its turn, the dynamic component consists of two more elements: linear and radial. In any case, it is the second derivative of the expansion-compression dynamics that is relevant. When moving (expanding or compressing) in a spiral, in any case, there is a second derivative. This article is not intended to analyze the dynamic component of gravity forces. It aims at describing the structure of gravity forces formation in general [3].


1. The main conclusion of the article is that the gyroscopic forces of electron rotation are the basis for the formation of gravitational forces

2. The forces of gravity are the combined response of the gyroscopic electron rotation forces caused by the expansion of the Universe

3. It should also be noted that the expansion of the Universe is isotropic

4. Gravity forces are based on the dynamics of electron rotation combined gyroscopic forces caused by electron rotation

5. As temperature changes, the changes in gravitational forces are influenced by the forces of the inter-atomic, intra-molecular and inter-molecular bonds which make up a certain rigid lattice

6. A change in the body temperature affects the rigidity of this lattice, and accordingly, it affects the force of reaction and gravity

7. The scientific world has not yet come to a consensus on the temperature dependence of gravitational forces

8. The indirect evidence of this dependence is the process of vapor condensation, such as cloud formation, the structure of galaxies, and the gigantism of animal and plant life on Earth in the past period
