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High Energy Radiation Mechanism of Pulsar Accretion Disk and Black Hole Essence

Author(s): Hongyuan Ye

The fundamental material of a neutron star black hole is neutrons, and there are no charges in a neutron star black hole. The supermassive black hole of a quasar has super greater universal gravitation, and electrons and protons are even less likely to exist. Since there are no charges in the black hole itself, and the black hole itself has only a gravitational field, it cannot generate electric and magnetic fields, and it cannot emit photons, so a black hole is essentially a dark star. This paper reveals that a pulsar black hole has an accretion disk that rotates at a super high speed. The positive ions in the accretion disk that rotates at a high speed generate a super strong pulsed magnetic field at the bipolar of the pulsar black hole. The high-speed positive ions and free electrons in the accretion disk decelerate violently in the process of random collision, and generate high-energy photons of X-ray and γ-ray. So the super magnetic field and high-energy X-ray and γ-ray of a pulsar are generated not by the neutron star black hole itself, but by the high-speed positive ions and free electrons in its accretion disk. When the high-speed rotating pulsar absorbs the adjacent matter to form an accretion disk, its rotation speed slowly decreases. When the rotation speed of the pulsar decreases to a certain speed, even if the pulsar absorbs the matter nearby, it cannot form an accretion disk. Finally, the pulsar evolves into a silent neutron star black hole with only a gravitational field. As dark stars, black holes do not have the so-called determined event horizon, but the super gravity of black holes causes the gravitational redshift of the magnetic fields and photons, which are generated by the high-speed moving charges in the accretion disk.

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